Friday, November 18, 2011

Believe2Shine Designer Shines with the Love of Jesus:Heather My Friend

“Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.”
― Richard Bach

This Designer, this Heather, Hetty, lovely sprite of a woman and majestic beauty in the strength of Jesus is my best friend. She is amazing as you all know. She is my heart, as I know. She is generous to a fault if there is such a thing. She would give you the necklace she just made for herself that would look perfect on her, if she noticed it matched even one of your eyes :). She is precious and a fighter to live and be strong and do for herself in a body that is telling her otherwise.

I pray for her, I cry for her, I plead and bargain with the Lord for her healing. All the things you would do for a friend I do. She has thanked me for the jewelry descriptions I wrote for her. Now those I didn't write. Jesus wrote those for her, using my pen. That was a mystical time that I'm sure will happen every time I am asked to write them. For they are the one thing I can do for her and Jesus is blessing it. I am happily along for the ride.

This picture was taken when she came to stay with Mike and I. She showered me and Mike too with love and herself while she was here. She taught me to make her beloved jewelry. It's a treasured time in my life that I keep in my heart every day. There is nothing more special or beautiful on this earth, besides the glory of the things God has made than the jewelry this in pain, brain-surgeried, blessing of the love of Jesus, designer and friend of mine makes: Heather's Believe2Shine.

Now she asked me to guest post on her blog. She didn't tell me what to write. So I am telling you what I know. Heather is a treasure. To have a necklace of Heather's is to be a part of something very special. Creative, yes. Beautiful, yes. Blessed by Jesus, yes. A piece of her heart, YES! Heather puts her heart into everything she does. My hope is to continue to buy more stock in Believe2Shine in the form of the most beautiful jewelry ever made by a woman with a heart full of love for this world, a heart for Jesus. I want to bless her, be a blessing to others with the beauty and joy this special jewelry brings and lets face it...I like to knock my dear husband's socks off!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

From Extreme Pain to Blessed Pain to Bless Others
My calling from Jesus calls you to come visit and talk with me.... God bless you all!!!!
God can be so mystical. Yet we can wonder so much of the obvious sometimes to ourselves, even deny what is either a gift from Jesus, or down right directive from Him to us to be doing for Him, as a new talent, liking, gift, and trust of ours that it will truly work in any way thru our God, for His Glory. I am a child of His that He has had to more than straighten out for over a decade. But in that decade, there may have been tough tears, my first and only child born April 17, 2001, extreme health issues that have not calmed down, nor stopped ever completely. One perhaps would be dormant for about 4-6 mos, but along tagged another health issue always-never completely "well." My first brain surgery was Aug 7, 2002-and at first was seizure free, but not quite 2 mos after my ex husband beat me in Killeen, TX-with the stress of his orders to go that following January. My biggest worry at that time was in order to "numb" that pain-led to my phenobarbital overdosing for a year to come. But hidden was the Best Yet to come. I was falling apart overdosing, as for I couldn't live in the hospital and still raise MY baby girl. But one day, deep in tears, thought, driving down Alma School Rd in Chandler, AZ-I saw these purple letters that read Cornerstone. I had heard and search a little bit in my bitter life in S. Orange County. But their cross called to me. And I never stopped going. I had one more huge OD, the pastor there came to pray for me. A very dear friend that I found there, remained my close friend, always. I thank Karen Wickens for helping me stay alive, and for being at the two brain surgeries and hospitalizations that followed. Friends like this give you like fire in you heart to give back and out to all in that same way. Being one all could lean on. My husband today is a man that you just don't see anymore. One who is gentle, sweet, listens, loves like a romantic BLAZZING fire! He is one who follows very closely to Christ-so Humble. I am ever so blessed! We had the most amazing wedding at our church there in Chandler, where I actually accepting Jesus into my life!! I love that!!! But it didn't get rid of any extreme illness. He watched and helped me, or I guess I helped him, through, it helped jim gain strength in all illnesses to come-especially with me, but even our precious daughter. He walks in as the perfect daddy when she was not quite 2. Thank you Jesus. Before my 3rd brain surgery, I have gained so many close friend from twitter and facebook, my heart just jumps 15 miles when I thinks of all of them. Now, Miss Katie Hartnett (yes, has an AMAZING heart from Jesus) she had a major prayer, and list of the "Who's" on pages full of the thousands and thousands she got to pray for me, and I didn't even know about the one particular day, so she could get the book to me. I just knew her heart, and hard work into it. And forever grateful. My social friend Libby and I, never stopped talking on SKYPE, or cell phone. We watched each other go thru a HUGE surgery, hers first, mine a bit after and during. Our heart just flew to one another, and calls when able. Then not long after I moved here to Philly, I took a trip to her city nears Mineapolis, MN to visit and give her the thanks I had wanted to for years!! We both met our dear friend I adored and shared with many friends on Facebook-Mary. She and I have an illness now, so similar. So that amazing lady, when her pain wasn't attacking as other days, she decided to come help me, as for I was alone, my husband and brother were both on business trips. She placed her heart so big time into it-cause I could see some pain in her face. But she would not complain for my sake. I took her shopping in such drastict thanks to her heart for Christ. My brother when he returned, #1 has done nothing but make sure I feel ok, need anything, taken meds, watches me sleep in case of seizures. He is this Big brother with a tad of health fear, but more than anything-he has found Christ recently and shares that Godly love here in our home. I love that!! He is why I am typing this. Have this to type on. He has all the weird numbers and codes to build websites. He has been brilliant since before he was born--many hard things for me, would bore him (just saying so Troy) as for he has acceeded so much in life. But The ability to buy, what I only NOW have the talent to make-I am gracious. I did not come near this talent prior 3rd brain surgery. The amount taken out on my thinking side has forced my right, artistic side to be in more the brains actions now. So while I've been dying in pain, from the 3rd brain surgery from neck, down to toes. I've never had pain so daily, so excruciatingly-making me feel like life would be ending. When we finally found the doctor the helps cover the pain monthly, my life began to be breathable. I was sadly more off twitter and Facebook just due to extreme pain, wondering if today would even be to come. When I was partially comfortable, I had a friend over that made necklaces. She showed me how-and I have not stopped since my childhood friend Becky, showed me the beauty making them have!! My stuffed brain prior 3rd surgery would have a cut down "Dry Humor" joke about making jewelry being me. But thanks to Jesus, and Mayo Hospital, my family, Becky, Christian Libby, Mary, Jacqueline, Karen and my dear brother, Troy--I wouldn't be doing this, at all without you all. Mom and Dad--I thank you for the brain I truly did get from you all, just a bit covered up for a while.....
I Love you all...
In HIS Love,
Heather Jeanette Jensen-Siebens @Believe2Shine @AliveinMe
For Believe2Shine © Devine ✜❤✞ ♥♥♥
Thank you Big Bro, @troyjjensen - Troy Jensen -on Facebook... Brother and friend for life, with so many talents, and such an amazing brain!! Love always...

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going. Through suffering, these bodies of ours constantly share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our body.

2 Corinthians 6:1-2 "At just the right time I heard you,
   On the day of salvation, I helped you.

2 Corinthians 12-8-9 Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me.

My pain was very severe.... from my 3rd brain surgery-still is. I never thought I could get off the couch. But to take my mind off all the pain, from advice of a friend, I began making necklaces--and loving it. It was a gift, an art I never had. I also paint and enjoy it so much!!!!! I never had that talent, yet the opposite--I was awful. But my right side of my brain took over my left!! Which is very artistic...
Come visit at

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So Devine!!!

Believe2Shine © DEVINE❤ ✞
By Heather J. Jensen-Siebens Owner and Designer
*Great thanks to my brother Troy who got me here, helping me with my severe pain daily, while building this site with confidence. God bless you Troy-keep looking at Jesus for your next calling, every time!
*Remarkable thanks to my best friend Libby. I asked her a favor, knowing her brilliant brain and skills with verbage, I asked if she could hack at my gorgeous necklaces I was putting up for the first day to open. I don't have that gift after 3 major brain surgeries, so I thought I'd give her a few necklaces in return to about 25 to be described. Once I saw her first 5 I had to keep her. She should be in Hollywood!!! WOW!!! I still name them, as for they are all different, and come straight from my heart, following especially since I began to do it to help take the pain of all my body from my 3rd brain surgery. It helped.... more than that, made my heart for Christ grow so much larger-even in the pain!! As for the 3rd AWAKE brain surgery cut away at so much of the cognitive-the short term memory, cognitive, language area--yet I wasn't overly affected in those areas and I received a gift from Jesus. They took out a great portion of the left which made the right take up some major work. But at the same time, the right side showed me it was already fulfilled with many artistic gifts, that was all covered and seizing, and strained before. I am now an artist. I was never before. I would buy gifts for my best friends.... they would make. So every day I was unable to walk due to the pain, I'd lay or sit as best as I could, and in the end of that very painful day-would have had beautiful thoughts to Christ, or with my husband, or blessings of my daughter and brother, the necklaces of all colors and delight-each with a pendant would sparkle and somehow make it look like I felt great. And in a way, I do with this talent to share with all of you!! My mind is on focus of many dates, actions, times, events, moments, love, surprises, sad turned happy, visiting others with my condition of EEG in the hospital. My craving thru all of this is just to continue to help people who suffer endlessly the way I have. But more so, those ones who don't know our Savior Jesus Christ. Out of 30+ hopitalizations of mine half of those I found Him and was on fire for Him. And the difference is literally "breath taking...." when you enter the hospital room, full of friends, family, nurses, docs, neighbors--laughing. Then reach to each others hands and pray. Not just for me, perfect surgery or wellness-but for Jesus to hold me tight, while He is the master surgeon, guide the others thru as well. And if something during the surgery doesn't match YOUR WILL Jesus, you hold them back. And they'd continue to pray for success, quick easy healing, but nothing but His WIll!!! As for that will bring Him Glory-and once we grasp it afterward, we can see the beauty it still has reaching from the East to the West. Now it is my time to help stretch it continually, and beautifully, but only for our Savior, and all you precious souls who know Him today--and may later. I was a later. I am eternally grateful or I wouldn't be typing this to you all. I accepted Him at 26 when I thought exiting by strong pills was the answer to whom is now my ex husband who beat me first day our daughter Tory and I got into out TX appartment near where he was stationed. That was our end, but my beginning to many doctors great help at Mayo Hospital, and finding Jesus Christ-alone, crying and searching for a church. Thank God my church Cornerstone Christian Fellowship had trip of purple--it called me in!! Took several overdoses, and last one to almost take my life, daughter, family, and new boyfriend-now husband away. No one can top Mayo Clinic on their care. They look at the circumstances and know that isn't me, I do no more-I just am overly addicted, and in pain from what my ex caused. And I know just in general I was scared.
But nothing and no one stopped me from #1 stopping that medication #2 doing all they ask such as psychology/psychiatry. It took about a year to think less bad about it. That is when they were able to move me onto 2nd brain surgery April of 2005-it did not fix everything completely-but many huge auras I'd get-dissipated.
Not long after I was blessed with a wedding. Date was to replace the date my ex beat me 10/6 we wed at our church, mine I intro'd him to-2007. My daughter was our precious flowergirl.
Within the all that sounds so good, I had so many illnesses pop in. Liver was looking bad from the medicine I had to take which also took me down to 91 lbs. Kidney issues, TMJ, seizures, seizures, tonic clonic kind, my daughter took after me and is medicated. I still could continue, but it gets scary telling you all that I can't run anymore, as for walking is such a severe one day and impossible another. When I see the walker out, that I know really means my family just care. But the best part, I still can make necklesses and more!! I've just learned it is all about attitude of what you have done in life, can do in life, will do in life-and being thrilled with both the small things and big things, while looking forward to all of God's things planned...and walking His plan. Jesus will never keep a secret from you, this I promise. Not on your life you are living right now, so don't keep one from Him.

I love you all.... and daily look forward to talking either on one of my twitters, facebook,, by cell (iPhone), by text. I am here, as much as my body allows me to be, and Jesus has plans for me to be!! So let's rock!!

I love you all and thank you graciously for such care, prayers, love, and support....and all your beauty to fit these necklaces I've made!!!!!!!
Believe2Shine © DEVINE❤ ✞
By Heather J. Jensen-Siebens Owner/Designer

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Gifts I praise Jesus for

My Protege` -Web Designer on own-EVERYTHING! I Love you big bro Troy, always have,
now we both can say THRU JESUS we both do!!!! Carry forth!!

I love you all so much. I love to be able to create jewelry that will make your wife, my friends month, as her eyes beam on the product one minute than you with pure thanks and eyes of your wedding day. The beauty of creating over 180 of them actually brings me elation! This talent only came to be when they took more of the dominate side of my brain of-theref0re begging the right side to get into some action, more frequently-and PRAYER ANSWERED!! I always had this creative side, it was just resting until I found Jesus and accepted Jesus. And there is no better moment when you decide to give your life to your Creator, and Savior for life. He then starts the roads of His plans for you-this leading me to love all, making jewelry I couldn't ever before and paint pictures- I always got bad grades on the simple things. Go figure. Never think twice about Jesus and His plans-He loves you so much.....know that daily!! I may be in a lot of pain, but 4th brain surgery is our key, along with phenobarbital this time. I am blessed with this pain for as long as I've had it-I've learned to share my new gift God gave me thru it, to take pain off my mind 24/7 - yet in the necklace's talk about Him, and all His mighty help!!
I love you all.... my site will be active tomorrow. 
Here was a video I took of some of my necklaces..... enjoy!
All my love and faith to you all!!!
Find me...
Heather Siebens

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and HE WILL establish your plans!